This is very easy to use 15% GST Calculator. Calculate inclusive, exclusive or reverse 15% GST rate with this calculator.
15% GST rate is calculated in New Zealand
How to calculate 15% GST manually
- It is very easy to calculate GST at 15% rate: just multiple your GST exclusive amount by 0.15.
$200 is GST exclusive value
$200 * 0.15 = $30 GST amount
- To get GST inclusive amount multiply GST exclusive value by 1.15
$200 is GST exclusive value
$200 * 1.15 = $230 GST inclusive amount
- To get GST part of GST inclusive amount you need divide GST inclusive amount by 115 and multiply by 15
$345 is GST inclusive value
($345 / 115) * 15 = $45 GST value
- To get GST exclusive amount while knowing GST inclusive value you need to multiply GST inclusive price by 100 ant then divide result by 115
$345 is GST inclusive value
$34500/ 115 = $45
Respected Sir,
i want how to calculate to GST AND IN EXCEL AND CALCULATOR TO ME
You can write a formula in Excel by examples provided above.